One Dot Enemies - Indie Game Showcase @Appstore
Why we love One Dot Enemies
ODE might be considered a bit of a strange choice but it highlights just how pure games can be whilst somehow retaining an amazingly addictive quality. Somewhere between an eye test, dead pixel checker and a game ODE is lots of fun. It's based around the whack a mole mechanic (no wait...) all be it with moving moles and most importantly single pixel moles! The aesthetic is so simple and yet really nice, it even has the ability to surprise occasionally and the sound design is exceptional. The sound of spawning enemies is confusingly mixed with the wonderful soundtrack giving just enough of a hint that an enemy is there, somewhere!
Favourite moments
- Realising that you addicted to the simplest game ever!
- That chip tune at the start
- The confusing sound of an appearing enemy
- Questioning your eyes
- Questioning your screen for dead pixels
- Trusting your eyes
- Cleaning your screen
- The squash sound and skull
- Letting the screen fill and then enjoying a squash fest!
One Dot Enemies is a really cool game, anyone interested in game design should get this and be inspired by its wonderful simpleness. Sadly the developer Kenji Eno died last year, read about him, his story is fascinating and then download his free game.
One Dot Enemies - Feature Choice ALONE... Indie Game Showcase